Drumline List - Need Help
(too old to reply)
2006-02-07 02:08:37 UTC
I am trying to start a list of the ways you know you've been in
Drumline too long

Does anyone have any good ones?

I have come up with the following;

Marking time is one of your favorite exercises
Asking your parents for money has reached the extreme
You consider your drill book a fashion accessory
You don't mind changing clothes on the bus
You have dreams about selling See's candy
You do most of your clothes shopping at band competitions
You see your Drumline friends more than your family
You start to think your director's jokes are funny
You read this list and think "This is so true"
You could make one of these lists with little to no effort
You have an excuse for everything
Finals are a positive thing
2006-06-22 12:45:35 UTC
This is so true
Post by i***@yahoo.com
I am trying to start a list of the ways you know you've been in
Drumline too long
Does anyone have any good ones?
I have come up with the following;
Marking time is one of your favorite exercises
Asking your parents for money has reached the extreme
You consider your drill book a fashion accessory
You don't mind changing clothes on the bus
You have dreams about selling See's candy
You do most of your clothes shopping at band competitions
You see your Drumline friends more than your family
You start to think your director's jokes are funny
You read this list and think "This is so true"
You could make one of these lists with little to no effort
You have an excuse for everything
Finals are a positive thing