(too old to reply)
John Paul
2003-10-13 14:56:17 UTC
For you all that did not make it to BOA Regionals at Houston last
Saturday here is my brief review and recap.

First of all, we missed Reagan, Churchill, and LD Bell. I hope your
seasons are coming along well.

Austin= "Bernstein" Definitly the true winner. They play like a top
5 drum corp. Their show was not anything spectacular (visually,
drill,GE) but done so well and stunning. This early in the year to
play that well!!! THey will be contendors in San Antonio.
Great Job Guys.

Westfield= "Because we are" What a Cinderella year. They have not
played this well since the early 1990's. Very fast paced and executed
well. They have taken what they have and built on it. Hats off!!!!
Great musical effects and beautiful ballad facing back field. I
understand Phil Geiger is terminally ill and missed all of the
marching season. Good job Chris Batchelor on stepping up and putting
these guys back on top!!!

Woodlands= "Bartok: Dance Suite" One of the most difficult shows I
have ever seen. Very complex drill and music. THe integration of the
two wasn't the best, but it was a show that will make people look up.
I can't disagree with 3rd place for them, they have a lot of marching
errors and they need to clean up the show. THis music is SOOO
hard!!!! Cleaner marching and music will make them contendors next
month for sure. Keep it up guys!!!

Creekview= "Hindemeth" Where did these guys come from? The same show
that Spring did 10 years ago! Fast dazzling drill and it was done
very very well. Look for these guys in future years to make their
mark. My understanding is they are a 4 year old school???

Spring= "no fear" ironic title. It should be their new
brand...DON'T FEAR US, were are not good anymore! We just go through
the motions! We won State and Nationals 10 years ago!!!! Watson is
long gone, long live the reign of dumbass Edenfield! They finished
5th due to good execution and they played pretty damn well. Besides
that, this show is a wash. No threat for finals at super regionals.
So stop worrying!!!

Cedar Park= "Claustrophobia" not a bad show, not as good as last
year. Very boring in places, but had a nice drill to keep things
going. This is a show that is good, but just not to the next level it
could be. These guys need new directors who are serious about winning

Brazoswood= "Distant Shores...Higginbotham" Typical B wood show that
has started to emerge over the last few years. The only reason these
guys were not in the top 3, is their hornline wasn't playing worth a
shit. Very unbalanced and damn near unmusical in places. If they
could play better and keep that awesome pace going, they would be at
the top with LD Bell. Same drill writer, same music arranger, very
similar look!!! They have no excuses, just get out there and do
it!!!! Good Luck in SA

Bowie= UFO's....big band, boring show, big ole fat director that
needs to retire.

Cypress Falls= "Circuits" Gotta hand it to Frank Troyka in
integrating a very original show with a kick ass visual package!!!!
Why did they finish 9th though? I think they got ripped and should
have been 2-3 places higher. The drill was not as fast paced as it
could have, and the staging of the "voices" was not to the level it
could/should be to be a Top 5 Band. The hornline needs to play with
more confidence. These guys need to break through. They have come so
far, and need to be careful and not become another Langham Creek.

Langham Creek= "Grantham" The most boring music in the world! They
sat down on church benches most of the show and integrated the benchs
into the drill. Nice concept, considering it has been done before and
worked. They ended their show with the balad and no attempt to put in
an ending. They made finals based on performance totally. This show
should be handed over to the shit hall of fame.

Sorry if I offended some, just honest on how I saw it. It makes the
coming of BOA Super Regionals to San Antonio very exciting. It will
be a great event!

On another note. A kid in the Brazoswood Band collapsed during the
Finals Retreat. It was touching to see many of the kids help out and
both directors make it down to the field to assist. The BOA staff had
paramedics on staff. The situation was handled very well and it shows
that the kids and directors and staff at BOA are all winners, dispite
scores, reviews, good shows, bad shows, etc...

I welcome all opinions and assessments on my reviews, I got hammered
last year, so I anticipate the worst.

Godspeed. JP
Nigel Brooks ²°°³®©
2003-10-13 17:57:19 UTC
Post by John Paul
For you all that did not make it to BOA Regionals at Houston last
Saturday here is my brief review and recap.
First of all, we missed Reagan, Churchill, and LD Bell. I hope your
seasons are coming along well.
Austin= "Bernstein" Definitly the true winner. They play like a top
5 drum corp. Their show was not anything spectacular (visually,
drill,GE) but done so well and stunning. This early in the year to
play that well!!! THey will be contendors in San Antonio.
Great Job Guys.
Westfield= "Because we are" What a Cinderella year. They have not
played this well since the early 1990's. Very fast paced and executed
well. They have taken what they have and built on it. Hats off!!!!
Great musical effects and beautiful ballad facing back field. I
understand Phil Geiger is terminally ill and missed all of the
marching season. Good job Chris Batchelor on stepping up and putting
these guys back on top!!!
Woodlands= "Bartok: Dance Suite" One of the most difficult shows I
have ever seen. Very complex drill and music. THe integration of the
two wasn't the best, but it was a show that will make people look up.
I can't disagree with 3rd place for them, they have a lot of marching
errors and they need to clean up the show. THis music is SOOO
hard!!!! Cleaner marching and music will make them contendors next
month for sure. Keep it up guys!!!
Creekview= "Hindemeth" Where did these guys come from? The same show
that Spring did 10 years ago! Fast dazzling drill and it was done
very very well. Look for these guys in future years to make their
mark. My understanding is they are a 4 year old school???
Spring= "no fear" ironic title. It should be their new
brand...DON'T FEAR US, were are not good anymore! We just go through
the motions! We won State and Nationals 10 years ago!!!! Watson is
long gone, long live the reign of dumbass Edenfield! They finished
5th due to good execution and they played pretty damn well. Besides
that, this show is a wash. No threat for finals at super regionals.
So stop worrying!!!
Cedar Park= "Claustrophobia" not a bad show, not as good as last
year. Very boring in places, but had a nice drill to keep things
going. This is a show that is good, but just not to the next level it
could be. These guys need new directors who are serious about winning
Brazoswood= "Distant Shores...Higginbotham" Typical B wood show that
has started to emerge over the last few years. The only reason these
guys were not in the top 3, is their hornline wasn't playing worth a
shit. Very unbalanced and damn near unmusical in places. If they
could play better and keep that awesome pace going, they would be at
the top with LD Bell. Same drill writer, same music arranger, very
similar look!!! They have no excuses, just get out there and do
it!!!! Good Luck in SA
Bowie= UFO's....big band, boring show, big ole fat director that
needs to retire.
Cypress Falls= "Circuits" Gotta hand it to Frank Troyka in
integrating a very original show with a kick ass visual package!!!!
Why did they finish 9th though? I think they got ripped and should
have been 2-3 places higher. The drill was not as fast paced as it
could have, and the staging of the "voices" was not to the level it
could/should be to be a Top 5 Band. The hornline needs to play with
more confidence. These guys need to break through. They have come so
far, and need to be careful and not become another Langham Creek.
Langham Creek= "Grantham" The most boring music in the world! They
sat down on church benches most of the show and integrated the benchs
into the drill. Nice concept, considering it has been done before and
worked. They ended their show with the balad and no attempt to put in
an ending. They made finals based on performance totally. This show
should be handed over to the shit hall of fame.
Sorry if I offended some, just honest on how I saw it. It makes the
coming of BOA Super Regionals to San Antonio very exciting. It will
be a great event!
On another note. A kid in the Brazoswood Band collapsed during the
Finals Retreat. It was touching to see many of the kids help out and
both directors make it down to the field to assist. The BOA staff had
paramedics on staff. The situation was handled very well and it shows
that the kids and directors and staff at BOA are all winners, dispite
scores, reviews, good shows, bad shows, etc...
I welcome all opinions and assessments on my reviews, I got hammered
last year, so I anticipate the worst.
Godspeed. JP
It might have something to do with you saying what you think, and not
tempering those thoughts with a little pc. Whilst the comment "This show
should be handed over to the shit hall of fame" might very well be right on
target - "forgettable" is somewhat more palatable. Valid observations such
as "The hornline needs to play with more confidence. These guys need to
break through" tend to lose their significance when one reads in the next
appraisal about the Director's need to go on a diet.

How about some appraisals of the bands that performed in the prelims, but
didn't make the cut?

John Paul
2003-10-13 21:56:07 UTC
Good Points Brooks...Note Taken

As far as the bands that did not make finals...Pearland imparticular.
I have the original recording of all of Key Poulans original scores.
"Medusa" is a wonderful incredible work. Pearland played it the
absolutly the worst possibly horrific way. If Key could of heard it I
would be surprised if he allowed them to play any of his original
works again. The dynamics sucked, they were off tempo, and could not
hold it together. They need to work on music and fundamentals first
and forehand. I don't know what the heck Grice is doing to that
program. Maybe they should not go to BOA anymore, just still to UIL
like Farriss had them. The "Farrisesque" shows were better all along.
In my opinion.
Nigel Brooks ²°°³®©
2003-10-13 23:40:08 UTC
Post by John Paul
Good Points Brooks...Note Taken
As far as the bands that did not make finals...Pearland imparticular.
I have the original recording of all of Key Poulans original scores.
"Medusa" is a wonderful incredible work. Pearland played it the
absolutly the worst possibly horrific way. If Key could of heard it I
would be surprised if he allowed them to play any of his original
works again. The dynamics sucked, they were off tempo, and could not
hold it together. They need to work on music and fundamentals first
and forehand. I don't know what the heck Grice is doing to that
program. Maybe they should not go to BOA anymore, just still to UIL
like Farriss had them. The "Farrisesque" shows were better all along.
In my opinion.
Interesting observation.

But there ya go again.

Is your observation truly that of someone who is giving an unbiased opinion.

I ask, because it is obvious from your past postings that you hold no love
for the former Pearland Band director. Does this perhaps colour your

If we remove the words "horrific, sucked, and worst" your appraisal might
be considered to be an on-point and accurate evaluation of Pearland's
performance, and you obviously have some degree of expertise in the marching
and music arts - but I fear that if indeed you are colouring your
evaluations with prejudice, it will take away from the evaluations of those
bands which you feel are truly deserving of praise
Nigel Brooks
Nell Tirch
2003-10-14 10:55:54 UTC
'Pearland played it the absolutly the worst possibly horrific way. If
Key could of heard it I would be surprised if he allowed them to play
any of his original works again.'

Huh huh
Huh huh huh huh

Have you ever heard any of Key's CD's?
John Paul
2003-10-14 18:06:07 UTC
Post by Nell Tirch
'Pearland played it the absolutly the worst possibly horrific way. If
Key could of heard it I would be surprised if he allowed them to play
any of his original works again.'
Huh huh
Huh huh huh huh
Have you ever heard any of Key's CD's?
Yes I have indeed. You can also download his newer stuff online.

His Original Works (In order from 99 to present)

Rise and Fall of Rome
Pandoras Box
In the Shadow of Dragons
House of Cards
Need for Speed (NASCAR)

I think there are a few more that have come out. His CD, the one I
have includes Scheherazade (Pearlands AWESOME performance from 92',
the Dvorak by Spring in '92, and Appalacian Spring by his former band
in California.)
Peggy Durham
2003-10-15 18:53:19 UTC
I am curious as to your thoughts on Victoria's show at BOA. Naturally as a
parent I would have preferred them scored higher, but would like to know
what you, John Paul, and others thought of their show this year.

On another BOA note, I did not think that it was appropriate for SFA to have
a half page advertisement in the program for their show. Granted, they were
an awesome band and a delight to watch, but being the only school
represented in the program smacks of partiality to me. If the ad was paid
for, then they should not have been allowed to compete because they are a
sponsoring entity and a "friend" to BOA. If it was a freebie, then were
the other bands also offered the opportunity to advertise their show as
well? I find it hard to believe that any judge can stay objective when one
band stands out above the rest because of prior knowledge of the show theme
and the almighty $$ being spent with their employer.

I applaud all of the students and directors who worked so hard to put on
such fabulous shows. Every one of them deserves a round of applause and a
pat on the back, regardless of whether you liked the show or not. They work
their butts off out there.

Congratulations to the winners. Good luck at San Antonio to all who are
going to participate there. It will be a tough one!
Nigel Brooks ²°°³®©
2003-10-15 19:12:39 UTC
Post by Peggy Durham
I am curious as to your thoughts on Victoria's show at BOA. Naturally as a
parent I would have preferred them scored higher, but would like to know
what you, John Paul, and others thought of their show this year.
On another BOA note, I did not think that it was appropriate for SFA to have
a half page advertisement in the program for their show. Granted, they were
an awesome band and a delight to watch, but being the only school
represented in the program smacks of partiality to me. If the ad was paid
for, then they should not have been allowed to compete because they are a
sponsoring entity and a "friend" to BOA. If it was a freebie, then were
the other bands also offered the opportunity to advertise their show as
well? I find it hard to believe that any judge can stay objective when one
band stands out above the rest because of prior knowledge of the show theme
and the almighty $$ being spent with their employer.
I applaud all of the students and directors who worked so hard to put on
such fabulous shows. Every one of them deserves a round of applause and a
pat on the back, regardless of whether you liked the show or not. They work
their butts off out there.
Congratulations to the winners. Good luck at San Antonio to all who are
going to participate there. It will be a tough one!
I think your comments on participating bands paying for advertisements in
the BOA publication are right on point. The fact that a contestant pays to
place an ad in the sponsoring publication should be a concern. Although no
partiality may be given by the judges, it just doesn't pass the smell test.
Any hint of the possibility of favoritism should be avoided at all costs.

Another problem I see this year is that I understand some of the contestants
had withdrawn from UIL Competion for this year. This enables them to avoid
having to comply with the 8 hour rule for practices. If indeed that is
true - then all the other bands which were in compliance with the 8 hour
rule were at a disadvantage. I would imagine that those same schools will
then "rejoin" UIL next year for the State Marching Contest. This kind of
practice sends the wrong signal to the kids. It says it is ok to find holes
in rules and exploit them and that the end justifies the means. It comes
very close to being unethical.

To my mind, schools which do this should be barred from rejoining UIL
contests for a while.
Nigel Brooks
2003-10-15 20:17:28 UTC
Nigel Brooks ²°°³®© wrote:
|| Another problem I see this year is that I understand some of the
|| had withdrawn from UIL Competion for this year. This enables them to
|| having to comply with the 8 hour rule for practices. If indeed that is
|| true - then all the other bands which were in compliance with the 8 hour
|| rule were at a disadvantage. I would imagine that those same schools
|| then "rejoin" UIL next year for the State Marching Contest. This kind of
|| practice sends the wrong signal to the kids. It says it is ok to find
|| in rules and exploit them and that the end justifies the means. It comes
|| very close to being unethical.
|| To my mind, schools which do this should be barred from rejoining UIL
|| contests for a while.
|| --
|| Nigel Brooks

If you mean who I think you mean, you need to read the BOA forums
to get more educated about this. There's been some talk about this on
there. All in all, there's been no abusing of the practice hours.
Nigel Brooks ²°°³®©
2003-10-15 20:21:43 UTC
Post by NjnTx
|| Another problem I see this year is that I understand some of the
|| had withdrawn from UIL Competion for this year. This enables them to
|| having to comply with the 8 hour rule for practices. If indeed that is
|| true - then all the other bands which were in compliance with the 8 hour
|| rule were at a disadvantage. I would imagine that those same schools
|| then "rejoin" UIL next year for the State Marching Contest. This kind of
|| practice sends the wrong signal to the kids. It says it is ok to find
|| in rules and exploit them and that the end justifies the means. It comes
|| very close to being unethical.
|| To my mind, schools which do this should be barred from rejoining UIL
|| contests for a while.
|| --
|| Nigel Brooks
If you mean who I think you mean, you need to read the BOA forums
to get more educated about this. There's been some talk about this on
there. All in all, there's been no abusing of the practice hours.
Nigel Brooks>